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Millennial Things

A buddy podcast where three friends discuss their experiences as millennials in New York City and beyond. Born out of a diner conversation by Union Square Park, Millennial Things takes a multi-faceted approach towards ideas that impact and influence millennials.

An equal balance of funny and informative, the episodes reflect the cultural backgrounds and personal experiences of the hosts.   

Millennial Things is hosted by Aalok Rathod, Jai Feng and Rika.

Latest Episode

Fashion is an integral part of an individual's personality. Your fashion choices offer a peek into your emotions, desires, and aspirations. Your clothes reveal much more about you than your color and size preferences. In this episode, Aalok, Jai and Rika discuss their personal fashion sense, the influence of the color on our apparel choices, and a different approach to recycling clothes.

Visual Identity

Millennial Things is an amalgamation of the distinct cultures that have shaped the identity of Jai, Aalok and Rika. The podcast simultaneously reflects and embraces diverse viewpoints shared in each episode. The topics encapsulate a wide array of nuances on ideas that affect millennials, interwoven against the backdrop of New York City. The podcast celebrates friendship, culture, humor and generational experiences.



The Afflatus


Love Without Borders